Helping Hand
This world is full of generous, good-hearted people who give in many ways.
We created the Helping Hand Project to acknowledge people who contribute to our goals of spreading literacy, and through it, learning, to as many people as possible.
The very first HELPING HAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT goes to COMMUNITY CPS Australia, chief sponsor of Helpings.
At the launch of Helpings, at the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden of Majura Primary School in North Canberra, MC Duncan Driver spoke about Community CPS Australia as he invited their State Manager, Chris Blight, to speak.
" We’re very proud that this project attracted funding from a great credit union with an admirable record in corporate social responsibility, environmental awareness and philanthropy.
"We are impressed that you, Community CPS Australia, believed in the capacity to deliver of a tiny non-profit volunteer organisation les than a year old - Real Food Canberra.
" Both Real Food Canberra and The New LIteracy Programme dreamt of self-publishing Helpings, to keep the assets of this project in the hands of non profit-motivated volunteers, enabling us to roll it out to as many young people as we can.
"But we were living on hope, until Community CPS filled the coffers with $15,000. Together with top up money from the Australian National University, Slow Food Canberra, and the ACT Government's Youth Interact, and Sizzle Cafe, and the efforts of Real Food Canberra volunteers, your generous helping hand funded the first print run and made our dream an actuality. We very much appreciate your help."
And so we warmly acknowledge the Helping Hand
of the philanthropists, Community CPS Australia.
of the philanthropists, Community CPS Australia.