Helpings References

This list expands upon the reference list in Helpings at pp 212 - 213.


 p.17 Lack of sleep and weight gain:

  • Patel, Sanjay and Frank Hu (2008), “Short Sleep Duration and Weight Gain: A Systematic Review”, Obesity, 16(3): 643-653.

p.17 Exercise and digestion:

  • Brouns, F. and E. Beckers (1993), “Is the gut an athletic organ? Digestion, absorption and exercise”, Sports Medicine, 15(4): 242-257.

p.22 Fake rice:

p.22 Benefits of ancient grains:

p.26 Industrial food production:

  • Carolan, Michael (2011), The Real Cost of Cheap Food, Earthscan: Abingdon, UK.
  • Pollan, Michael (2006) The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A natural history of four meals, Penguin: New York.

p.26 Phantasmagoric fact:

  • LaSalle, Tim, Hepperly, Paul and Amadou Diop (2008), The Organic Green Revolution, The Rodale Institute: Kutztown, PA.
  • Pimentel, David, Hepperly, Paul, Hanson, James, Douds, David and Rita Seidel (2005), “Environmental, Energetic and Economic Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems”, BioScience, 55(7) 573-582.
  • Teasdale, J., Coffman, C., and R. Mangum (2007), “Potential long-term benefits of no-tillage and organic cropping systems for grain production and soil improvement”, Agronomy, 99: 1297-1305.
  • Veenstra, J., Horwath, W., Mitchell, J., and D. Munk (2006), “Conservation tillage and cover cropping influences soil properties in San Joaquin Valley cotton-tomato crop”, California Agriculture, 60(3):146-152.


 p.29 Organics:

Water –

Yield –

  • Badgley, Catherine and Ivette Perfecto (2007), “Can organic agriculture feed the world?”, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22(2): 80-85.
  • Halweil, Brian (2006), “Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?”, Worldwatch Institute, 19(3): 18-24.
  • Hine, Rachel and Jules Pretty (2008), Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations: New York.
  • LaSalle, Tim, Hepperly, Paul and Amadou Diop (2008), The Organic Green Revolution, The Rodale Institute: Kutztown, PA.
  • Tilman, David (1998), “The Greening of the Green Revolution”, Nature, 396: 211-212.


  • LaSalle, Tim, Hepperly, Paul and Amadou Diop (2008), The Organic Green Revolution, The Rodale Institute: Kutztown, PA.
  • Sainju, U., Jabro, J. and W. Stevens (2008), “Soil carbon dioxide emission and carbon sequestration as influenced by irrigation, tillage, cropping system, and nitrogen fertilization.” Journal of Environmental
  • Quality, 37: 98-106.
  • Tilman, David (1998), “The Greening of the Green Revolution”, Nature, 396: 211-212.

Pests –

  • Altieri, Miguel (1995), The Science of Sustainable Agriculture, Westview Press: Boulder, CO.
  • LeTourneau, D.K. and  Goldstein, B. (2001), “Pest damage and arthropod community structure in organic vs conventional tomato production in California”, Journal of Applied Ecology, 38: 557-570.
  • Tilman, David (1998), “The Greening of the Green Revolution”, Nature, 396: 211-212.

Climate Change & Energy Use –

  • LaSalle, Tim, Hepperly, Paul and Amadou Diop (2008), The Organic Green Revolution, The Rodale Institute: Kutztown, PA. p.9.
  • Pimentel, David, Hepperly, Paul, Hanson, James, Douds, David and Rita Seidel (2005), “Environmental, Energetic and Economic Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems”, BioScience, 55(7) 573-582.
  • Reider, C., Herdman, W., Drinkwater, L., and R. Janke (2000), “Yields and nutrient budgets under composts, raw dairy manure and mineral fertilizer.” Compost Science and Utilization, 8(4): 328-339.
  • Teasdale, J., Coffman, C. and R. Mangum (2007), “Potential long-term benefits of no-tillage and organic cropping systems for grain production and soil improvement”, Agronomy Journal, 99: 1297-1305.
  • Veenstra, J., Horwath, W., Mitchell, J. and D. Munk (2006),“Conservation tillage and cover cropping influences soil properties in San Joaquin Valley cotton-tomato crop”, California Agriculture, 60(3): 146-152.

p.29 Biodynamics – Demeter International.

p.30 Fruit and Vegetables –

p.31 Salt –

  • Bieler, H (1965), Food is Your Best Medicine. Ballantine Books: New York.
  • Kenney, R. A. and C.S. Tidball (1972). “Human susceptibility to oral monosodium L-glutamate.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 25: 140-146.
  • Blaylock, Russell (1996), Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. Health Press: Santa Fe, NM.
  • He K., Du S., Xun P., Sharma S., Wang H., Zhai F. and B. Popkin (2011), “Consumption of Monosodium Glutamate in Relation to Incidence of Overweight in Chinese Adults: China Health and Nutrition Survey”, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 93(6): 1328-36.
  • Samuels, Jack (2004), “MSG Safety Studies: Are You Concerned?”, The Weston A Price Foundation.

p.31-32 Grains –

p.32-33 Sweeteners -

  • Beasley, Joseph and Jerry J. Swift (1989), The Kellogg Report. The Institute of Health Policy and Practice: Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.
  • Fallon, Sally (1999), “Carbohydrates” in Fallon, Sally (ed.) Nourishing Traditions. New Trends Publishing: Washington D.C, pp. 21-25.
  • Howell, Edward (1985), Enzyme Nutrition. Avery Publishing: Wayne, NJ.
  • Lopez, A. (1966), “Some Interesting Relationships Between Dietary Carbohydrates and Serum Cholesterol”. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 18:149-153.
  • Lustig, Robert (2009), “Sugar: the Bitter Truth”, University of California TV.
  • Paton, J. (1933), “Relation of Excessive Carbohydrate Ingestion to Catarrhs and other Diseases”. British Medical Journal, 1(3733): 738-740.
  • Pollan, Michael (2006), “Industrial Corn” in Pollan, Michael, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, Penguin: New York, pp. 15-119.
  • Walton, R.G., Hudak, R. and R.J. Green-Waite (1993), “Adverse Reactions to Aspartame: Double-Blind Challenge in Patients from a Vulnerable Population”. Biological Psychiatry 34: 13-17.
  • Yudkin, John (1973), Sweet and Dangerous. Bantam Books: New York
  • Yudkin, J. (1971), Sugar: Chemical, Biological and Nutritional Aspects of Sucrose. Daniel Davey: Hartford, CT.
  • Yudkin, J. (1957), “Diet and Coronary Thrombosis”. The Lancet. 11: 155-162.

p.33 Fish –

p.33-36 Meat & Soy -

  • Casey, J.W and N.M Holden (2006). “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Conventional, Agri-Environmental Scheme, and Organic Irish Suckler-Beef Units”. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35: 231-239.
  • The Daily Telegraph (2007). “The beef about greenhouse gas”, 19 July.
  • DeRamus, H. A., Clement, T.C., Giampola, D. D. and P. C. Dickison. (2003) “Methane Emissions of Beef Cattle on Forages: Efficiency of Grazing Management Systems.” Journal of Environmental Quality. 32(1): 269-277.
  • EatWild. “Health Benefits of Grass-Fed Products”.
  • Hahn Niman, Nicole (2009) “The Carnivore’s Dilemma”, 30 October, The New York Times.
  • Koneswaran, G. and D. Nierenberg (2008). “Global farm animal production and global warming: impacting and mitigating climate change”. Environmental Health Perspective. 116: 578–582.
  • Pollan, Michael (2006). The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Penguin: New York.
  • Pollan, Michael (2008). In Defense of Food, Penguin (pg. 167-8).
  • Ross, P. Garbeff, A. Paganini-Hill, B. and E. Henderson (1983), “Effect of in-utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol on age at onset of puberty and on post-pubertal hormone levels in boys”, Canadian Medical Association Journal 128(10): 1197-8.
  • Strom, B., Schinnar, R., Ziegler, E., Barnhart, K., Sammel, M., Macones, G., Stallings, V., Drulis, J., Nelson, S. and S. Hanson (2001), “Exposure to soy-based formula in infancy and endocrinological and reproductive outcomes in young adulthood”, Journal of the American Medical Association, 286(7): 807-814.
  • Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) (1996) “Soy Expansion – Losing Forests to Fields”, WWF Forest Converstion Information: Soy.

p.36 Eggs –

  • Australian Chicken Meat Federation (2010). “Chicken Comparisons”.
  • Pfeiffer, E. (1938) Soil Fertility, Renewal and Preservation: Biodynamic Farming and Gardening, Aseatic Publishing House: Delhi.
  • Plochberger, K (1989) ‘Feeding Experiments. A Criterion for Quality Estimation of Biologically and Conventionally Produced Foods.’ Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 27:419-428.
  • Pollan, Michael. (2001) “Behind the Organic-Industrial Complex”.

p.36 Dairy –

p.37-38 Fats –

  • Assunção, Monica, Ferreira, Haroldo, dos Santos, Aldenir, Cabral, Cyro and Telma Florêncio (2009). “Effects of Dietary Coconut Oil on the Biochemical and Anthropometric Profiles of Women Presenting Abdominal Obesity”, Lipids, 44(7): 593-601.
  • Enig, Mary (2000). “Why Butter is Better”.
  • Gosline, Anna (2006). “Why fast foods are bad, even in moderation”, New Scientist.
  • Hu, Frank B., Manson, Jo Ann E. and Walter C. Willett (2001). “Types of Dietary Fat and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: A Critical Review”. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 20: 5-19.
  • O’Keefe, Sean, Gaskins-Wright, Sara, Wiley, Virginia and I-Chen Chen (1994). “Levels of Trans Geometrical Isomers of Essential Fatty Acids in Some Un-hydrogenated US Vegetable Oils.” Journal of Food Lipids. 1:165-176.
  • Sebedio, J.L. and W.W. Christie (eds.) (1998). Trans Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition, The Oily Press: Dundee, Scotland pp. 49-50.
  • Siri-Tarino, Patty, Sun, Qi, Hu, Frank and Ronald Krauss (2010). “Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturate fat with cardiovascular disease”, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 91(3): 535-546.
  • Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) (1996) “Soy Expansion – Losing Forests to Fields”, WWF Forest Conversion Information: Soy.


 p.40 Grow Your Own Food –  

  • Lanza, Patricia (2009). Lasagne Gardening. Rodale Books.
  • Square Foot Gardening
  • Alexander, Stephanie (2006). Kitchen Garden Cooking with Kids. Penguin Lantern.
  • Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh and Fizz Carr (2008). The River Cottage Family Cookbook. Random House.


p.45 Bisphenol A and cans –

  • Lang, Iain, Galloway, Tamara, Scarlett, Alan, Henley, William, Depledge, Michael, Wallace, Robert and David Melzer (2008), “Association of Urinary Bisphenol A Concentration With Medical Disorders and Laboratory Abnormalities in Adults.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 300(11): 1303-1310.
  • Taylor, Julia, vom Saal, Frederick, Welshons, Wade, Drury, Bertram, Rottinghaus, George, Hunt, Patricia, Toutain, Pierre-Louis, Laffont, Celine and Catherine VandeVoort (2011), “Similarity of Bisphenol A Pharmacokinetics in Rhesus Monkeys and Mice: Relevance for Human Exposure”, Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(4): 422-430.


p.57 Food Fact File:

  • Benton, D. and P. Parker (1998), “Breakfast, blood glucose, and cognition”, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67(4): 7725-7785.
  • Dietitians Association of Australia, “Breakfast”.
  • Langley-Evans, Simon (2009), Nurition: a lifespan approach, John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, p.140.

p.59 Egg Yolk Colour Diagram:

  • Carter, T (1968), Egg quality: A study of the hen’s egg, Oliver & Boyd: Endinburgh, p.271.
  • Pollan, Michael (2008), In Defence of Food: the myth of nutrition and the pleasures of eating, Camberwell: Allen Lane, pp.167-8.
  • The Poultry Pages, “Problems with Eggs – Yolks & Whites”.

p.61 Freaky Fact:

p.63 Food Fact File:

  • Keoke, Emory and Kay Porterfield (2003), Encyclopaedia of American Indian Contributions to the World: 15,000 Years of Inventions and Innovations, Checkmark Books: New York, p.218.
  • Macdonald, Fiona (2001), Discovering World Cultures:  Food, Crabtree Publishing Company, St Catharines, ON, p.21

p.65 Be a Futuremaker!

Potato and biodiversity” and “Potato varieties”.

p.65 Food fact file

  • Tsuzuki, Wakako, Matsuoka, Akiko and Kaori Ushida (2010), “Formation of trans fatty acids in edible oils during the frying and heating process”, Food Chemistry, 123(4): 976-982.

p.67 Potato monoculture

  • Macdonald, Fiona (2001), Discovering World Cultures:  Food, Crabtree Publishing Company, St Catharines, ON, p.24
  • Radkau, Joachim (2008), Nature and power: a global history of the environment, Cambridge University Press: New York, p.30.

p.67 Food fact file:

  • Lusas, Edmund and Lloyd Rooney (2001), Snack Foods Processing, Technomic Publishing Company: Lancaster, PA, p.30, 32, 247

p.69 Fresh & fruity fact file:

p.70 Get the wibbly wobblies every time:

p.74 Fruity solutions – who needs plastic!

p.74 Friendly fruit facts:

  • Banana Link UK: <>

p.77 Watermelons:

p.78 Food fact file:

  • Wilson, Anne (1991), Food and Drink in Britain: From the Stone Age to the 19th Century, Academy Chicago: Chicago, IL, pp. 332-334.
  • Macdonald, Fiona (2001), Discovering World Cultures:  Food, Crabtree Publishing Company, St Catharines, ON, p.23

p.80 Follow in the Aztecs footsteps!

  • Athena Review (2007), “A Brief History of Chocolate, Food of the Gods”, 2:2.
  • Burleigh, Robert (2002). Chocolate: Riches from the Rainforest. Harry N. Abrams: New York.
  • Macdonald, Fiona (2001), Discovering World Cultures:  Food, Crabtree Publishing Company, St Catharines, ON, pp. 23, 25

p.82 Organic coconut oil

p.82 Get a date with a date

  • The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ed.) (2003), The date palm: from traditional resource to green wealth, I.B. Taurus: Abu Dhabi.
  • Russo, Susan (2007), “Medjool: a date to remember”, 17 October, National Public Radio.

p.83 Fair trade is where…

p.85 Food fact file

  • LaSalle, Tim, Hepperly, Paul and Amadou Diop (2008), The Organic Green Revolution, The Rodale Institute: Kutztown, PA.


p.89 Power down the powdered egg

  • Holvoet, P., Mertens, P., Verhamme, P., Bogaerts, K., Beyens, G., Verhaeghe, R., Collen, D., Muls, E., and F. Van de Werf (2001), “Circulating Oxidized LDL Is a Useful Marker for Identifying Patients With Coronary Artery Disease”, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 21: 844-848.

p.91 Food fact file

  • Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Cinnamon”.
  • Kelly, Donna and Joyce Pool (2007), French Toast: Sweet & Savory Dishes for Every Meal, Gibbs Smith: Layton, UT, p.9
  • Koerner, Brendan (2003), “Is French toast really French?”, 16 September, Slate.
  • Miller, James (1969), The spice trade of the Roman Empire, 29 B.C. to A.D. 641, Clarendon Press: Oxford.
  • World’s Healthiest Foods (2011), “The Facilities with Total TRI On- and Off-site Disposal or Other Releases, NAICS 311/312.
  • Weyer, Peter, Cerhan, James, Kross, Burton, Hallberg, Geoerge, Kantamneni, Jiji, Breuer, George, Jones, Michael, Zheng, Wei and Charles Lynch (2001), “Municipal Drinking Water Nitrate Level and Cancer Risk in Older Women: The Iowa Women’s Health Study”, Epidemiology, 12(3): 327-338.

p.93 Carbecue

  • Maynard, Chris and Bill Scheller (1989), Manifold Destiny: The One! The Only! Guide to Cooking on Your Car Engine, Villard: New York.

p.93 How roo’d

p.95 Feedlot meat fouls:

p.95 Chew on this good news:

  • Dorsey, Jay, Dansingburg, Jodi and Richard Ness (2008), Managed Grazing as an Alternative Manure Management Strategy, USDA-ARS Land Stewardship Project.
  • Franzluebbers, Alan  and John Stuedemann (2010), “Surface Soil Changes during Twelve Years of Pasture Management in the Southern Piedmont USA”, Grass Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74(6): 2131-2141.
  • Gurian-Sherman, Doug (2011), Raising the Steaks – Global Warming and Pasture-Raised Beef Production in the United States, Union of Concerned Scientists USA.

p.95 Sweet win:

p.95 Meat: The Great Deb.ate

  • Environmental Working Group (EWG) (2011), Meat Eater’s Guide to Climate Change + Health, EWG: Washington, D.C.
  • Pollan, Michael (2006), The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, Penguin: New York, p.74.
  • Stier, Ken (2007), “Fish Farming’s Growing Dangers”, 19 September, Time Magazine.
  • United States Department of Agriculture (2011), “Beef…from Farm to Table”, 26 May.

p.99 Get REAL salad

  • Creasy, Rosalind (1999), The Edible Flower Garden, Periplus Editions: Berkeley, CA.
  • Lawrence, Felicity (2004), Not on the label: what really goes into the food on your plate, Penguin: London, pp.29-32.

p.101 Fava fact file

p.101 Mexican jumping beans

p.102 Pine-nuts

  • Lanner, R (1981),The Piñon Pine: A Natural and Cultural History, University of Nevada Press: Los Angeles.

p.105 Food fact file

p.107 Food fact file

  • Chen, H., Morrell, P.,  Ashworth, V., De La Cruz, M. and M. Clegg (2008), “Tracing the Geographic Origins of Major Avocado Cultivars”,  Journal of Heredity 100 (1): 56-655. Wikipedia
  • Online Etymology Dictionary, “Avocado” and “Guacamole”.


p.109 Freaky fact

  • Bateman, B., Warner, J., Hutchinson, E., Dean, T., Rowlandson, P., Gant, C., Grundy, J., Fitzgerald, C. and J. Stevenson (2004), “The effects of a double blind, placebo controlled, artificial food colourings and benzoate preservative challenge on hyperactivity in a general population sample of preschool children”, Archives of Disease in Childhood 89: 506–511.
  • McCann, D., Barrett, A., Cooper, A., Crumpler, D., Dalen, L., Grimshaw, K., Kitchin, E., Lok, K., Porteous, L., Prince, E., Sonuga-Barke, E., Warner, J. and J. Stevenson (2007), “Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial”. The Lancet 370(9598): 1560-1567.
  • Rosenthal, Elisabeth (2007), “Some Food Additives Raise Hyperactivity, Study Finds”, 6 September, The New York Times.

p.111 Food fact file

p.113 Don’t be a strawberry fool!

p.115 Apple quiz

  • Elzebroek, A. and K. Wind (2008), Guide to cultivated plants, CABI: Oxford, UK and Cambridge, Mass. US.
  • Pollan, Michael (2001), The botany of desire: a plant’s-eye view of the world, Random House: New York.
  • Strong, James and John McClintock (1867), Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, Harper & brothers: New York, p.325.
  • University of Illinois, “Apple Facts”.


p.119 Fact or faked

  • Nagel, Ragel (2010), “Living with Phytic Acid”, The Weston A. Price Foundation.
  • Katz, Solomon (2006), “East Africa” in Encyclopedia of Food & Culture, volume 1, Gale Cengage.

p.120 Funky fact

p.120 Nice one

p.124 Food fact file

  • Schlick, G. and D.L. Bubenheim (1993), “Quinoa: An Emerging ‘New’ Crop with Potential for CELSS”. NASA Technical Paper 3422.
  • The World’s Healthiest Foods (2011), “Quinoa”, The George Mateijan Foundation.

p.124 Tabbouleh

  • Marks, Gill (2010), Encyclopaedia of Jewish Food, Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, p.572.

p.127 Freaky fact

  • Appleby, M. and B. Hughes (1991), Welfare of laying hens in cages and alternative systems: Environmental, physical and behavioural aspects, World’s Poultry Science Journal, 47: 109-128.
  • Webster, A. and J. Hurnik (1991), “Breeding and Genetics”, Poultry Science, 70: 421-428.

p.127 Check out your chicks

p.129 DIY food foils emissions

p.131 Do the sweet potato mash

  • Baez Kijac, Maria (2003), The South American Table: The Flavor and Soul of Authentic Home Cooking from Patagonia to Rio de Janeiro, Harvard Common Press: Boston, MA, p.299
  • Woolfe, Jennifer (1992), Sweet potato: an untapped food resource, Cambridge University Press: New York, p.15

p.135 Get out your spoons! Start banging the table

p.137 Food fact file

  • Noah, Norman, Bender, A, Reaidi, Gabi and Richard Gilbert (1980), “Food poisoning from raw red kidney beans”, British Medical Journal, 281(6234): 236-237
  • Stradley, Linda (2004), “History of Chili, Chili con Carne”, What’s Cooking America.

p.139 Fun honey from a rooftop hive

p.139 Phantasmagoric fact

p.141 Food fact file

p.141 Freaky fact

  • CBS News (2009), “Juice as Bad as Soda, Docs Say”, 11 February, CBS News: Healthwatch.
  • Dennison, Barbara (1996), “Fruit Juice Consumption by Infants and Children: a Review”, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 15(5): 4S-11S.

p.143 Pound puzzle

p.143 Faking it

  • Ettinger, Steve (2007), Twinkie, Deconstructed, Listen & Live Audio.



p.147 High carb meals

  • Coulston, Ann, George, Liu and Gerald Reaven (1983), “Plasma glucose, insulin and lipid responses to high-carbohydrate low-fat diets in normal humans”, Metabolism, 1: 52-56.

p.148 Hamburger – some word!

  • Online Etymology Dictionary, “Hamburger”.

p.148 Epic Meal

p.149 Zombie Hamburgers

Artificial food colourings:

p.151 Quick Ketchup Whizz Quiz

  • Smith, Andrew (1994), The tomato in America: early history, culture, and cookery, University of South Carolina Press: Columbia, SC.

p.153 Food fact file

  • Helstosky, Carol (2008), Pizza: A Global History, Reaktion Books: London.

p.156 Get high on curry

p.156 Bug tip

  • Lockette, Tim (2004), “Florida researchers use essential oil as earth-friendly pesticide”, 21 April, Southeast Farm Press.
  • Reitz, Stuart, Maiorino, Giuseppina, Olson, Steve, Sprenkel, Richard, Crescenzi, Aniello and Timur Momol (2008), “Integrating Plant Essential Oils and Kaolin for the Sustainable Management of Thrips and Tomato Spotted Wilt on Tomato”, Plant Disease, 92(6): 878-886.

p.159 Food fact file

p.161 Food fact file

  • BBC News (2009), “Beetroot juice ‘boosts stamina’”, 6 August, BBC.
  • Lansley, Katherine, Winyard, Paul, Bailey, Stephen, Vanhatalo, Anni, Wilkerson, Daryl, Blackwell, Jamie, Gilchrist, Mark, Benjamin, Nigel and Andrew Jones (2011), “Acute Dietary Nitrate Supplementation Improves Cycling Time Trial Performance”, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 43(6): 1125-1131.
  • Shropshires’s (2010), “History of Beetroot”.

p.161 Popping the poppy seeds

  • Moeller, M., Hammer, K., and O. Engel (2003), “Poppy seed consumption and toxicological analysis of blood urine samples”, Forensic Science International, 143(2): 183-186.

p.162 Parmy tip

p.163 Food fact file

  • Yaniv, Zohara, Schafferman, D and Z. Amar (1998), “Tradition, uses and Biodiversity of rocket ( Eruca Sativa , Brassicaceae) in Israel”, Economic Botany, 52(4): 394-400.

p.165 Check out the chickpea

p.166 Food fact file

p.167 Honey and almonds

p.169 Food facts

  • Fallon, Sally (1999), Nourishing Traditions. New Trends Publishing: Washington D.C, p.536.

p.172 Friendly food fact

p.172 Foul food fact

  • Elliott, Lynne (2006), Medieval Medicine and the Plague, Crabtree Publishing Company: Oxford, p.6.
  • Rinck, Christine (2008), Trotula and Hildegard: Reflections of female medieval medicine, University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor, MI p.116.

p.173 Free for all fruit


p. 178 The invention of muesli

  • Karger Gazette, “A New Way of Living: the Creation of Muesli”, No. 71.
  • Kurmann, Joseph, Rasic, Jeremija and Manfred Kroger (1992), Encyclopedia of Fermented Fresh Milk Products: an international inventory of fermented milk, cream, buttermilk, whey, and related products, Springer Verlag, 1992, p.75

p.179 Food fact file

  • CHOICE (2011), “Muesli Review”.
  • Dengate, Sue (2007), “Dangers of dried fruit”, Food Intolerance Network.
  • Fallon, Sally (1999). Nourishing Traditions. New Trends Publishing: Washington D.C, p. 50, pp. 452-454, p.495.
  • Hotz, Christine and Rosalind S. Gibson (2007). “Traditional Food-Processing and Preparation Practices to Enhance the Bioavailability of Micronutrients in Plant-Based Diets”. Journal of Nutrition. 137: 1097-1100.
  • Nagel, Ragel (2010), “Living with Phytic Acid”, The Weston A. Price Foundation.

p.181 Food fact file

  • The World’s Healthiest Foods, “Lentils”, The George Mateijan Foundation.:

p.183 Italy revolts over global abuse of Bolognese sauce

p.183 Phantasmagoric!

p.185 Stir-fried facts

p.187 Tips and facts file

  • Marine Stewardship Council, “MSC certified ‘Fish to eat’”.
  • O’Connor, C.J., Chen, K.S., Smith, B.G. & L.D. Melton (2001a), “Factors affecting lipid uptake in battered hoki fillets deep-fried in tallow”, Food New Zealand Scientific Supplement.
  • O’Connor, C.J., Chen, K.S., Smith, B.G. & L.D. Melton (2001b), “Fat Uptake in French Fries as Affected by Different Potato Varieties and Processing”. Journal of Food Science, 66: 903-908.
  • Rayner, Jay (2003), “Enduring love”, The Guardian.

p.187 Shark alert

  • Baum, Julia, Myers, Ransom, Kehler, Daniel, Worm, Boris, Harley, Shelton and Penny Doherty (2003), “Collapse and Conservation of Shark Populations in the Northwest Atlantic”, Science, 299(5605): 389-392.
  • Thomas, Abbie (2004), “Thanks for all the fish!”, The Lab: ABC.

p.189 Food fact file