Shirl-Fanciers Say
It really appeals to me!
A.S. former UK publisher (adult)
I’ve nearly wet my knickers twice so far from laughing.
NM Queensland, journalist (young adult)
A.B. UK (former teacher, play group leader)
The real colour of childhood. Hilarious and authentic.
J W (adult, journalist) Australia
Can we hear some more of those stories please?
Olivia, Max, Gabe, Lachie, Doug (age 4 to 11) Australia
I love your ‘Shirl the Girl’ stories!
SO much more engaging than most of the children's books at my son's school. I was entertained by all the words and phrases that separate Australian from American English, especially viewed from a child's perspective!
MK USA (adult)
With this book you feel you are in it with the characters.
It’s alive and animated.
G.F-R ( age 12) Canberra, helping with the sequel Shirl the Girl Again!
This book is incredible!
S. N. Western Australia ( 20 something adult)
Stinky is a really good character. He is like us: curious and he likes to make stuff. I really like Prudence. She does dance and she’s a different sort of character from the others.
Shirl used to be very girly but now she’s not. I would give this book nine out of ten. I think we can make the next Shirl book ten out of ten!
A S (age 9) Australia, helping with the sequel Shirl The Girl Again
This book is so good - you should write sequels, seriously. I am liking it as much as my jar of fantastic medlar jelly even though it tastes less of medlars and more of dirt, so far. I loved it. I think it's fantastic. Because it's not fantastic. It's so honest and real. Joyous. Thank you!
J. D. Canberra (adult)
Fabulous! I liked how it went from easy reading to more advanced reading. Shirl becomes very caring and open-minded. She’s a girl who wears pink but then plays in the dirt.
Stinky is mischievous and curious. They are all really good characters but all really different.
I. S. ( age 12) Australia, helping with the sequel Shirl The Girl Again